Aarp Supplemental Provider Claims Phone Number

Information about all the tools and resources needed to manage claim submission and receipt of payments.
Aarp supplemental provider claims phone number. Skip to main content. 8 p m 7 days a week plan members. You must be an aarp member to enroll in an aarp medicare supplement plan. 1 888 867 5564 tty users call.
Grp 79171 gps 1 g. If you are ever uncertain if mail from aarp is legitimate or not please contact us at 1 888 our aarp i 888 687 2277 and we ll be happy to help. Aarp insurance portal provider supplemental. Insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company horsham pa unitedhealthcare insurance company of new york islandia ny for new york residents.
What is the phone number for american continental insurance 2019 what is pdp insurance 2019 what is moa insurance code 2019 what is mcr insurance 2019 what is insurance denial code a3 21 2019. Insurance name united healthcare claims address payer id united healthcare po box 30555 salt lake city ut 84130 0555p o. Aarp claims address for providers. Find out how to get in touch with united healthcare about its aarp medicare supplement plans by mail or by phone.
Your browser must be configured with javascript enabled in order to use this site. Aarp united health care doing business as united health. Your new care providers and facilities will ask for your new number so carry your new. Call the number on the back of your member id card.
8 p m 7 days a week. Apr 30 2013 do not include number shown below on incoming claims supplemental payers and insurers trading partners customer provider services. Health care providers welcome to unitedhealthcare s online provider tool a resource available to physicians and healthcare professionals serving consumers with unitedhealthcare medicare supplement and hospital indemnity plans that carry the aarp name. Assistance program ship see pages 109 112 for the phone number.
List of automatic crossover trading partner cms. The primary claims resource the claimslink app is available on link your gateway to unitedhealthcare s self service tools. On this website you can access real time information on. Aarp uhc medicare complete claim provider fax number.
Unitedhealthcare po box 30769 salt lake city ut 84130 0769.