A Door Near Here Summary

Thanks for exploring this supersummary plot summary of a door near here by heather quarles.
A door near here summary. A door near here heather quarles author delacorte press books for young readers 13 95 240p isbn 978 0 385 32595 0. With awesome writing and a great cast of characters to boot the only disappointment was the lack of information in the end. A door near here was a eye opening insight into alcoholism and how it affects the ones near you. A modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes supersummary offers high quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes characters quotes and essay topics.
You didn t get to find out what happened to some of the important characters and i found it disappointing. Also includes sites with a short overview synopsis book report or summary of heather quarles s a door near here. When their mother loses her job she succumbs to depression and alcoholism and stays in her bed living on alcohol for weeks. Fifteen year old katherine tries to keep the family together even when a nosey teacher is asking too many questions and.
Dodgson teacher at katherine s school personality traits of main character. A door near here summary. At 15 katherine is in charge of the house and her three. Sites like sparknotes with a a door near here study guide or cliff notes.
A door near here by heather quarles four kids live with their single mother near washington dc.