3ce Beach Muse Vs Overtake

3ce multi eye color palette beach muse.
3ce beach muse vs overtake. I m not sure i can pool off such cooler tones of pink and peach but like i said i m going to have a good time trying. Do you need them all. 时尚 美妆 2019 06 29 06 48 58 播放 弹幕 未经作者授权 禁止转载 稿件投诉. Comparing 3ce 9 pan palettes.
The shades aren t unique by any means but for some reason they look amazing in the promotional material. Thêm vào giỏ hàng. More red in a color means more warm. Dry bouquet and beach muse are warm.
Overtake眼影盘 热门色号对比 3ce haul. Overtake眼影盘 热门色号对比 3ce haul. 3ce购物分享 10支热门唇膏大试色 超美花瓣唇系列 beach muse vs. The collection consists of the 3ce mood for blossom multi eye color palette in beach muse which contains nine shades of peach and pink in matte and satin finishes.
Dry bouquet and beach muse are warm. 3ce购物分享 10支热门唇膏大试色 超美花瓣唇系列 beach muse vs. Overtake眼影盘 热门色号对比 3ce haul duration. Thông tin sản phẩm.
3ce 完美組合 細膩色彩 9種同色系眼影組合 互相搭配 讓眼妝更有層次 更深邃 高服貼控油眼影 有效控制油脂分泌 完美服貼肌膚 乾淨清透顯色度高 減少粉末特有的乾澀感 繽紛搶眼閃耀珠光 比一般眼影更具亮眼色度 色號 overtake乾燥玫瑰 smoother霧面裸棕 beachmuse 2019新款 dry bouquet乾燥玫瑰 全霧面 dear. 8 2 g 사용방법. 제조일로부터 36개월 개봉 후 12. 3ce购物分享 10支热门唇膏大试色 超美花瓣唇系列 beach muse vs.
Do you need them all. 3ce multi eye color palette beach muse. 歡迎來到 beauty奢海e購 3cemulti eye color palette all nighter 9宮格都是散粉 不僅是珠光 更是閃耀亮片色系 就是要你夜晚派對都能是最耀眼焦點 雖說是亮片色系 但色選上還是很好駕馭 集中了橘 酒紅以及金色調於一盤 可以變化出不一樣的閃耀感受 這盤可是完美發揮迷人的功效 品牌. Comparing 3ce 9 pan palettes.
Overtake seems to lean warm with like 2 maybe 3 cooler browns.