1x4 Tongue And Groove Roof Decking

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1x4 tongue and groove roof decking. Timber tongue and groove decking is a specialty lum ber product constituting an important part of modern timber construction that can be used for many applica tions to provide an all wood appearance. Contractor cedar shim grip rite 12 1 2 x 2 1 2 in. Longer lengths have a lead time of 7 10 business days. See figures 1 and 2 lengths decking pieces may be of.
15 16 x 3 24mm x 76mm. 10x10 and 12x12 beam profiles have a lead time of 2 3 weeks. 3x6 wc305a douglas fir tongue and groove roof decking. Nominal three and four inch decking is especially well adapted for use with glued laminated arches and girders and is easily and quickly erected.
1 x 4 x 12 treated pine porch flooring. 5 4 x 4 in. Acclimating a yellow pine floor allows time for the wood to adjust itself to a moisture balancing point to help any future shrinking and swelling of the product. 5 4 x 4 x 10 tongue and groove deck board use to add country charm to your home decor.
Timbertech azek deck boards available with square edges or grooved edges and are available in 12 16 or 20 lengths. Maximum moisture content is 19 for 2 x 6 3 x 6 and 4 x 6. Southern yellow pine flooring is designed for outdoor projects under roof. On 24 1x6 will work but put a layer of sheathing down to eliminate the roofing nail issue.
Once southern yellow pine flooring is received on a jobsite the material must be acclimated before installation. Available in 4x6 or larger 1 877 640 4095. Timbertech azek porch boards are secured by a tongue and groove installation. Lead time on cypress decking is typically 1 2 business days for most sizes and profiles up to 16 long.
1x4 southern yellow pine 2 grade flooring storage prior to application. Cypress 1x4 tongue groove. Tongue groove boards. It is nominal 2 x 6 3 x 6 or 4 x 6 in 1 or 2 grade and kiln dried.
Cypress 5 4x6 tongue groove. See all our timbertech decking and porch products. Roof decking is southern pine as manufactured by s i. They are available in 10 12 and 16 lengths.
500sf minimum order for orders less than 500sf please call 1 877 640 4095 for orders over 3000sf call for pricing. Southern yellow pine tongue and groove board irving 15 in. Roof deck 2x6 or 1x6 t g we use 1x6 up to 3 but the roof is then strapped after with 2x4 then sheathing. Though this product carries a lifetime limited warranty against decay and termites it is not intended for applications of full exposure to sunlight and rainfall or conditions of periodic immersion from.
Decking is machined to a single or double tongue and groove evis pattern.